The New Colossus



The New Colossus

Nationwide Public Sector Jobs honors those in cities and counties across the United States who work to provide refuge and welcome to exiles and immigrants. We share Emma Lazarus's 1883 poem "The New Colossus" along with our sincere wishes for a safe and happy Independence Day!

The More You Know Minute: Defining “Continuous” and “Open Until Filled”

Ever wondered why recruitment ads sometimes list “Continuous” or “Open Until Filled” apply-by dates? The latter is clearer. “Open Until Filled” means that hiring managers leave the job posted until a candidate has been selected. But the former can mean one of two things.

What Makes Recruitment Advertising Work (Part II)

In our last issue, we reviewed how we do recruitment advertising and what makes it effective. We presented a mnemonic device to help us remember the elements of good advertising: ICMIC, which stands for Impactful, Creative, Memorable, Informative, and Clear. This week we explore ways to make recruitment advertising more Creative.

Directions for Writing a Winning Resume

Smartphone navigation enables us to travel confidently from point A to B, suggesting lane changes, ways to avoid traffic back-ups and accidents, and pointing out landmarks. Have you ever wished for a similar tool to use to create a resume? Today we’re sharing turn-by-turn directions to help you navigate from a blank page to writing a winning resume.

What Makes Recruitment Advertising Work (Part I)

Feel as if you spend more time searching for people than working on programs to train and keep the staff you’ve already hired? It might be time to review how you’re doing recruitment advertising and what makes it effective.

The Benefits of Applying for a Job (Even if You Don’t Think You’ll Get the Job)

There is one action that we engage in throughout our working lives that has a great deal of risk and the potential for big payoffs regardless of the outcome...

Volunteers planting a tree

Volunteer to Gain New Skills…and Good Vibes

Have you ever wondered what advice seasoned public servants give most often to those who want to work in government? Volunteer. Volunteering is an act of generosity that turns out to have a lot of personal benefits.

Greening Your Agency’s Recruitment Practices

Want to do your part to help protect the environment? Here are some tips for promoting environmental sustainability in your recruitment practices.

Better Options Than Quiet Quitting

Is quiet quitting the only way to address job dissatisfaction? No, and as it turns out, there is a lot to gain by being proactive about your job concerns. Here are some things you can do instead of quiet quitting.

Networking to Find Local Government Jobs

Job seekers often tell us that they don’t network. They think that public sector recruitment practices prevent them from doing so. This is not correct, but there is an important key to successful networking in the public sector: ask for help, not for a job.